
SHUAI SHOUShuai Shou is a favorite exercise of mine . It is useful in a variety of ways and has been refered to as the aspirin of the qigong . The exercise was used after standing meditation to get the blood circulating . i noticed that it was also used in the beginning and the end of the Guo Lin anti -cancer fixed foot walking Qigong Set . i like to begin and end a training session with it to loosen up in the beginning and to circulate the blood after standing . i have also used it to fight off a sore throat many times . If i feel it coming on , i will sneak off and sway for five minutes . We usually call it swaying . David Saltman taught it to a person with Parkinson's Disease and found that if the practitioner swayed for about one minute, his shaking went away for about two hours . i wonder what would happen if he trained longer . To begin, the practitioner stands in a natural stance with the feet parallel and at shoulder width . The arms hang loosely at the sides with the pal...